Monday, September 15, 2014

Oh No I'm Hopping Again: Sisters in Crime Blog Hop

Sisters in Crime, a wonderful organization for both women and men, and it's not just for crime writers, but for readers, too.  I have met some very good authors there who have given me resources and support -- and you need both to carry you along on a writing journey.  So when Connie Archer and DJ Adamson tagged me onto this bloghop, I readily joined in.  Here are some of the questions and my answers:

Do you listen to music while writing? What's on your playlist?

Music plays a BIG role in my writing process.  Why? Because I see written passages in very filmic terms, as if a movie of the scene is running. The music inspires me just as any movie soundtrack would and I very often get my best ideas when I'm listening to a key song.  For instance, when I was writing Deep into Dusk, there were certain songs that inspired me and here they are. I'm also going to tell you what scenes I imagined the song running behind (and why). 

"Love is Blue" the Paul Mauriat version. 
No particular scene, really throughout the entire book because Gabriel's relationship with the femme fatale is certainly "blue."

"Alive" by Kid Cudi
The scene with the unknown assailant being dastardly with the ladies.  Damn, I even name the song in one scene. Why? Just listen to the melody, it's a bit menacing. 

"Set Fire to the Rain" by Adele
This song inspired the tough patch Gabriel and Ming had in this book. Lots of passion between them but lots of problems, too.

"Melancholy Hill" by Gorillaz
When Gabriel is flying home from Mexico and it's nighttime and the lights of Los Angeles are blanketed out below him. I envisioned the plane flying by all things Los Angeles (such as the Griffith Park Observatory on its hill) to signify his homecoming -- and him wondering if Ming was going to forgive him.

If someone said "Nothing against women writers, but all of my favorite crime fiction authors happen to be men," how would you respond?

Far be it from me to argue with someone's preference in crime authorship… (narrow-minded as it might be!)

If you missed Connie Archer and DJ Adamson's answer to these questions and others, here's your second chance:

Connie Archer
DJ Adamson

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