I just returned from DC and, having never been there before,
I was amazed to see up close and personal, all the buildings of agencies I’ve
written “dislike” mail to. What has this
got to with a community of writers?
Well, just that. To be an author
means you can also compose a good letter and then you’ll find that the pen
truly is mightier than the sword.
Even if you are a fiction writer, you’ll know how to put
words effectively on a page. Writing is a way we express ourselves, not only
through fiction, but to venture an opinion.
Some people are great orators (our current president is one). They know how to speak, they look good on
camera, and they wear nice ties. Authors
can be just as effective. I visited the Newseum ( http://www.newseum.org/) and was treated to a vast array of captured journalistic
moments, I mean monumental moments. It’s
sort of mind-boggling. As an author, you have the gift to contribute to
Now, I’m no journalist. I’d much rather space out within the
confines of my current fictional tome, but, as I stated before, I’m an avid
letter-writer. If you are political at
all, join Congress.org (http://www.congress.org/news/). You can write all your representatives in
about 30 seconds. You can also get on
your own soapbox and let the world know your views (or how crazy you are).
I’m pretty crazy myself. One day, I’ll have to post my
fabulous letter to the Federal Trade Commission. In short, it had to do with why they have
ignored the anti-trust laws that are supposed to protect us from monopolies. That
one got a response from Senator Dianne Feinstein.
I hear people say, “I
can’t make a difference so why bother? No one is going to listen.” It’s true that one ant cannot fight against the
giant foot that is stepping on the picnic, but a colony of ants can do some
damage. So, if you see or hear something
that stirs you up, utilize your gift of writing to make a difference. I bet you
are wondering why the blog’s title has to do with ED. I myself often notice
that in Washington DC there seems to be a lot of talk but a lack of performance.