Monday, May 18, 2015

Writers must lay themselves bare. Here's Why...

I had the opportunity to be interviewed by S.W. Lauden, who asked some very good questions about character and the writing process.

Here's the interview to learn more!

S.W. Lauden's debut novel, BAD CITIZEN CORPORATION, will be published in 2015.  To see his blog, go here: S.W. Lauden

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Why I Write in a Man's Voice

I'm a guest on Omnimystery News today on the first leg of my blog tour.  I've never toured like this before but I like it because I can stay in my pajamas. Just kidding, I'm in workout clothes.  It's strange not to meet people face to face, but hey, I'm comfortable. Are you? If you would like to check out the pros of writing in the voice of the opposite sex, click here on Omnimystery News  Please feel free to leave comments. If I can't see anyone face to face then it would be great to read your comments.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Sweetheart Giveaway!

Here's a chance to win a $200 Amazon eCard this Valentine's Day. I'm giving away 2 - $200 Amazon Gift Cards Feb. 2-14. Join me, The Kindle Book Review, Digital Book Today, and some of my author friends and celebrate Valentine's Day in a BIG way.  Good Luck and here's to a shopping spree!

Enter here: